Steelhead Travel Teams
Steelhead Lacrosse Club 2022 - 2023 Season Overview:
Youth (1st grade to 8th grade) and High School (Freshman - Senior) levels
6 - 7 tournaments: total: 2 - 3 Fall/Winter, 3 - 4 Summer tournaments*
Practices are in the Vernon Hills / North Suburbs area
Players will receive the following for the season:
Uniform (Reversible Top, Port-Hole Mesh Uni, Game Shorts)
Player Pack (Hoodie, Sweats, Shooter Shirt, Practice Shorts)
Recruiting assistance (High School only)
Tournament Film and Highlight Video (High School only)
Fall Overview*- September 13 - November 15th (9 weeks)
Practices: 2X a week
Possible local scrimmages
Winter Overview* - January 10 - February 27 (7 weeks)
Practices: 2X a week
Spring Overview
Players play with their community and HS teams
Summer Overview* - June 13 - August 3rd (7 weeks)
Practices: 3X a week
3-4 Summer Events*
Local Scrimmage Opportunities
*All dates, tournaments & times are subject to change

High School
2023 (Fall/Winter)
2027 (8th)
2028 (7th)
2029 (6th)
2030 (5th)
10U & 8U